Converting one format to another is easy with appropriate tool. But why do we want to convert our files? That’s simple. Most of us have changed devices where our new device would not accept formats that are compatible with our old device.
Sometimes we want to convert out files just because the media player we like to use does not support our current format. That is why you will need the help of a converter. So if you are looking for an useful converter to convert M4A to MOV, then read this essay and you will learn some recommended video converters to deal with your problems.
Contents: Part 1. The Most Recommended M4A to MOV Converter for Mac/WinPart 2. Other 6 Online/Free Converters to Convert M4A to MOVPart 3. Conclusion
Part 1. The Most Recommended M4A to MOV Converter for Mac/Win
If there is one thing we would like to introduce to you, that is by using the best way to convert any files from one format to a certain format you like such as converting M4A to MOV files.
This method is known to be the quickest way to convert your files without losing their original quality. And yes, this method is by using the best converting tool in the world which is the iMyMac Video Converter.
This tool is a powerful converter that works with many features. For one, the iMyMac Video Converter can help convert your audio or video files into a format that you want without exerting that much effort.
It can even automatically convert your files into a format that is compatible with certain social media platforms so you don’t have to search what format is accepted by such social media apps.
This M4A to MOV converter can also let users edit their videos through their app. And by edit, we meant being able to customize your video according to your liking. You can cut, add, and even put special effects and filters on your video with the help of this converter.
What’s more, is that this tool enables you to stream your files through their app so you don’t have to exit and open it to another media player.
Now, if you want to learn more about this M4A to MOV converter and how can it help you convert M4A to MOV easily, here is a step by step guide on how to do it:
- Using your Windows or Mac computer, download and install this converting software.
- Launch the app and simply drag the M4A files you want to convert on the window
- Then click Convert Format to choose the output format and folder for your files
- Now tap on Create to set up more settings for your files and don’t forget to tap on Save right after
- Lastly, to start with the conversion process just simply click the Export button
- And after that, you can now check your files by going to Recent Projects> Converted Files > Open Folder
The fact is that you always need to convert your files because of the multiple devices and all kinds of formats. So why not use this useful converting tool to convert whatever files you want to convert, like converting M4A files to WAV without effort?
Part 2. Other 6 Online/Free Converters to Convert M4A to MOV
To the people who still want to learn other ways to convert files using other converters, you can also try using online converting sites. There are many online converting sites today or what we commonly call online converters.
These online converters are free and can convert your files to certain formats you like, including convert M4A to MOV.
However, the thing I slightly hate about using online converters is that they cannot give you the highest resolution for your files. You can only avail of the 720p which is not the highest quality at all.
So if you still want to check out these online converters we have managed to try out a list and have narrowed down the top 6 most trusted and safe to use online or free M4A to MOV converters that can help you.
- iMyMac Online Converter
The iMyMac Online Converter may not give you the highest quality and resolution like the offline converter but you can surely use this online site which has almost the same features as its sister software. It even has all the available formats offered in the offline video converter as well.
- Adobe Media Encoder
This tool is a safe and reliable tool that can help you convert your files without paying for anything. Adobe Media Encoder can also let you choose the resolution you want for your files. However, like other online M4A to MOV converters, it does not offer you the highest quality for your files.
- VLC Media Player
Yes, your VLC Media Player isn’t only a media player but it can also be used as a converter. So it is possible to be used to convert M4A to MOV. It’s free to use but not all formats are available on this app.
Cloudconvert is a pretty popular online M4A to MOV converter that is available in almost all countries around the globe. This converting tool is a home for different formats that we’re sure you would like to explore.
If you want a two-in-one converter where you can convert both video and audio files, we suggest using
Of course, last but not least is one of the most well-known and largest online converting sites in the world,
Part 3. Conclusion
After reading this post, we hope that you have finally opened your eyes and understood lots about how to convert M4A to MOV using the different methods and M4A to MOV converters we have provided above.
And of course, we still encourage you to use the best method which is no other than using the iMyMac Video Converter.